The Tzolkin, also known as the Harmonic Module or the Sacred count of days.
The Mayan loom, which is weaving the 20 Solar Seals with the 13 moon tones.
It is a store of information on the past, present and future,
although, it is also much more than that.
The 20 Solar Seals, or the 20 radiation by the Solar Lord Ra, contain each of them a revelation, for which we as mankind are ready to recieve.
These revelations reviel themself to us by reading the 13 moons calender.
With the help of 13 tones of creation, like we have 13 moons a year, we constantly build up the 20 Solar Seals within ourselves.
The interweaving of the 20 Solar Seals with the 13 tones of creation, give 260 kin (13 * 20 = 260), or the Tzolkin.
The Tzolkin does not only reviel about our soul's blue-print, according to our birthday,
it also syncronises us with the One Universal Spin, throughout the awakening of your solar being, connected with the Hunab'ku (the center of the universe).
The Tzolkin touches subjects such as Spirt, Love, Hart, Inituition,...., Life, and slowly but sure enlightens us about them. |